Quality concrete craftmanship for over 35 years


Steve Knee is the owner of SK Creative Concreting. He has over 35 years of experience as a concreter and understands the complexities of concrete cutting and maintenance services.

He is passionate about his business and provides honest, expert, personal advice that offers solutions to difficult problems, cost-effective outcomes, strength, durability and striking results.

Our customers

We service a wide range of customers with varying job requirements, including residential, commercial, industrial and government. There’s no such thing as a job that is too big or small for us to tackle. No matter the need, we work with our customers to find the best solutions. Our customers can always expect high-quality service and timely responses.

Our equipment

SK Concreting uses state-of-the-art, specialist machinery, saws, drills and grinders. The right equipment combined with our extensive skill and expertise allows for the highest quality finish.


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